Posts tagged Mobility
Buyer's Guide: How to Pick a Massage Gun

Massage guns offer a good option for self-treatment via a handheld device that can be adjusted to different speeds that allows you to work on some of your “sticky” muscles. Some types of massage guns even come with multiple attachments that range for a more pointed massage, or a rounder smoother massage. So many models exist so we’ll be breaking down what to look for at different price points!

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5 Stretches for At-Home Workers

Spending a lot of time sitting at your desk can start to have some negative impacts on your body, especially on your muscles. As you spend time sitting your muscles can tighten, joints can get stiff, and you might start to feel sore and uncomfortable. Luckily, there are some things we can do while sitting that can help our bodies immensely. With that, let’s take a look at five great stretches we can do from the comfort of our chairs.

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